About Us

FoSP was formed in 2011, and is registered with HM Revenue and Customs and so able to reclaim tax on contributions from UK tax payers.  This increases qualifying donations by 25%.


FoSP is completely separate to and independent from St Peter’s Parochial Church Council (PCC).


We can have up to 8 in our committee, and we meet regularly. Our sole purpose is to raise money for the repair, maintenance and improvement of the fabric and community value of St Peter’s Church and churchyard in Stoke Fleming.  Major projects to be supported are approved by the Members at the Annual General Meeting.


     See Documents page for minutes of previous AGMs



[Position Vacant           Chairman]

Tim Hailstone               Treasurer

Suzie Dodsworth          Acting Chairman/Membership Secretary/Publicity

Anne Worsfold              Minutes Secretary/Fundraising

Peter Barker                 also Secretary of PCC

Mary Bell

Jenny Farmer

Ashley Hutton


(Please contact us if you are interested in joining the committee)




Living Churchyard Sub-Committee


Jenny Hailstone            Project Co-ordinator

Anne Bailey                  Website and Communications

Diana Knight                 Gardening advisor

Peter Barker                 

Ashley Hutton


Please contact Jenny if you would like to help with the Living Churchyard Project